Taytrix is Proud to present our StackIt Gobo System



Lightweight, Stackable, Gobos

“When all you wanna do is Play”

4 Types - 2 Sizes

Diffusion Panel – DP15 or DP30  Diffusion on one side and Absorption on the other, allowing more options to sonically control your environment.

Plexiglass Panel – PP15 or PP30 Double layer of 3/16″ clear plexi-glass provides visual capability while providing excellent sound separation.

Fabric Panel – FP15 or FP30 Multiple layers of insulation covered with fabric on both sides, provide superior absorption at high and mid-range frequencies.

Combo Panel – CP15 or CP30 Natural 1/4″ birch plywood on one side provides a reflective surface.  Fabric on the other side provides a higher degree of absorption.



The G9Pac is our most popular package. It consist of 5)FP30’s, 3)FP15’s and 1)PP30.


StackIt Gobo Booth Kit

Booth Accessory Kit + G9Pac = 4x4 StackIt Gobo Booth